Who are you?
I am hot dog producer golfer man.
What’s golf to you?
Golf is nice views, having a good old schmooze with friends, hate putting, love it.
Target handicap?
Target handy: 15.
Favorite golf course?
What ever don’t care. Golf trips are really nice tough. And ”bötqjuu” which is a saying in Finnish meaning taking a nap without sleeping.
Favorite item in your bag?
Snacks normally tuna sandwich and my new ”Wilson Dynapwr driver”.
@wilsongolffi and fuck you all golfers that are moaning about some weird shit. Chill out bro.
Photos: instagram.com/ossil/ – instagram.com/lauriheiskari/ – instagram.com/lautamies/ – instagram.com/mrbiese/ – instagram.com/twokahelminen/ – instagram.com/raibishkeletor/