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Lucas Pierce

Who are you?
I am Lucas Pierce. I am a proud father, outdoorsman and golfer. I am also the global sales director @market

What’s golf to you?
Golf to me is a consistent athletic challenge that has brought me countless hours of fun with some of my closest friends.

Target handicap?
I dont really keep a handicap (I know :)) but anything 90-95 is great for me right now. It only takes 1 great shot a round to keep me coming back!!

Favorite golf course?
I’ve had some great travel golf experiences but my heart is split between 2 municipal tracks I’ve played countless rounds on. 
Crab Meadow golf course. Northport, NY. Ocean views, 6500 yards. It’s the course i grew up on.
Scholl Canyon. La, CA. 
Executive course, par 60. Built on a landfill, idk if there’s anywhere like scholl. Drivable par 4s, island green par 3s, sub $30 round (with a free beer!), you can be outta there in 2 hours in the morning. I’ve played at scholl with all kinds of friends and always had a barrel of laughs!

Favorite item in your bag?
Favorite club in my bag is a 60 wedge.

@themichaeldavid @blurstagram @thechasemanhattan @jw_bykowsky
