Who are you?
Karsten Jurkschat, founder of Gumtree Golf & Nature Club (@gumtreegolfandnature).
What’s golf to you?
A way to connect with diverse people, environments, wildlife, and natural beauty around the world.
Target handicap?
My target handicap is did you realize that a lot of golf courses disrupt local ecosystems and wildlife from their natural environment? GGNC is launching a program to gift free, bespoke birdhouses to courses around the country to help encourage displaced bird life to return. More birds = more birdies. That’s what I tell golf bros, anyway. DM me if you’re interested in being involved.
Favorite golf course?
In NY it’s easily Inness. Nine incredible holes amongst swamp, natural grasses, established trees and plenty of local flora and fauna – a real bird watchers paradise. In the world, I have to say Queenscliff Golf Club, in Victoria, Australia. Set on a tiny 1.4 square kilometer wildlife sanctuary island, it’s home to a rugged 18 hole communmaintained course and the critically-endangered orange-bellied parrot. Oh, and it’s $35 to play.
Favorite item in your bag?
My @gumtreegolfandnature Farm Tent Headcover, upcycled from an old waxed canvas tent from a working farm in Vermont, it’s lived 50 years already and is about to live another 50 on my bag. And my FujiX100v. It’s the perfect golf camera, fits in my one-pocket golf bag, and takes 90% of my photos.
The people that have supported me or helped me make this brand a reality each in their own unique way. Thank you. @salasophy, @jackdpnorman, @benbosk, @mate_nyc, @seehov, @diegodiaz.co, @stephenmalbon, @amgilb01, MH @studentsgolf
Photos: instagram.com/karsten_/ – instagram.com/gumtreegolfandnature/