Who are you?
My name is JP Sovereign, and on Instagram thegolfhomie.
What’s golf to you?
Golf is an intersection of so many things I love, fellowship and connection to others, a mental and emotional challenge of resilience and acceptance, an often gentle yet sometimes brutal lesson in humility, and continually an opportunity to be grateful for the life right in front of me.
Target handicap?
I don’t really have a target handicap so to speak, but I am working to be capable of challenging even par at any course I tee it up.
Favorite golf course?
My favorite course is currently a dead even tie between Bandon Dunes and Old Macdonald.
Favorite item in your bag?
I love my wedges, but my buddies would say the best club in my bag is the 7 wood.
Shoutouts to really just all of my golf homies I’ve met along this wild journey in the space. I’ve been blessed to meet so many people from all over the map that participate with golf. From early days with more of the local Portland area scene to people that have lifted me from low places and been by my side through a lot of tough life.
Photos: instagram.com/thegolfhomie/