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Emilie Lidén

Who are you?
I am Emilie Lidén from Stockholm, Sweden aka @going_scratch (which I probably never will do haha).

What’s golf to you?
Golf is a massive part of my life. It is a way to push yourself mentally and physically, but also a way to relax, how ever weird that may sound. It’s also a fun way to hang out with friends.

Target handicap?
Going_scratch? Hahaha, well I don’t know, in a few years I hope to at least be a single handicapper. I have played for about 5 years soon so hopefully I will get there.

Favorite golf course?
Hmm.. I would have to say that Royal Bled in Slovenia is breathtaking.

Favorite item in your bag?
My headcovers from my company @sofogolf of course.

To all the amazing golf women on Instagram, working hard to make this sport more interning to women.

Photos: @going_scratch@fotografstrom1977